Saturday, November 5, 2011

3 Ways To Guard Against Identity Theft

There are three ways you can protect yourself from identity theft which is a growing concern for Americans today.
First, you can invest in an affordable home shredder machine. Shred any mail you receive that contains personal information. These items include any mail you receive with your name and address on it. Tear off the address labels from publications and catalogues you receive and shred the labels. If your bank and credit card companies send you checks, they will also have not only your name and address, but also your account number. These checks can be used by anyone.
Some documents you possess which contain personal information need to be kept for tax purposes for as many as 3 to 7 years. Lock them securely in a lockbox or locked file cabinet to keep them from roaming eyes or burglars.
Secondly, when you are using your electronic devices such as i-phones or blackberries, be sure not to carry identifying information on them in case they are hacked into. Similarly, when you are using your laptop or notebook computer at a college site, a library, a coffee shop or any public internet access venue, and be sure none of your banking or important personal information such as credit card numbers or retail account numbers can be accessed on your computer. These days so many people are in desperate situations that the crime of identity theft is an attractive alternative to thieves who are just trying to survive. Although this is a sad reality, you need not contribute to such crimes by being careless with your personal information.
Third, there are great ways to secure your mail delivery. One lady sits at her front window and watches daily for the mail carrier to arrive. She has become a victim of identity theft and wants to be sure nobody steals her mail ever again. This is, however, not a worry-free solution to preventing mail theft. The postman comes at varying times and besides, she may have to make an important medical or other appointment one day and miss the mail carrier's arrival.
Today, many people are choosing to invest in a secure locking mailbox. Some people receive mail in a wall mounted locking mailbox on their front porch. Others may have locking curbside or column mailboxes. Each of these types of locking mailboxes is available with color and style options you can choose from to customize your mailbox choice.
Because of the high incidence of identity theft, it has become necessary for Americans today to protect their personal information in every way they can.
So, if you do not have a shredder you can use scissors even though it requires a lot more time to do. If you must keep personal information on your laptop computer or mobile phone, don't use them in public places. And if you do not have a locking mailbox, you can sit by your front window and watch for the mail carrier to deliver your mail. The choices are yours.
We can avoid becoming victims of identity theft. First and foremost, we can invest in a locking mailbox. Buy one of these and never again worry about mail theft or mailbox bashing.
Jane Hercules MS Ed is the author of this article. She researches current issues of mail theft, identity theft, mailbox vandalism and family security.
To learn more go to the website.
locking mailboxes
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How People Secure Their Families

How People Secure Their Families
Families are finding ways to protect their security and that of their children. New strategies and more of them are necessary as families seek to provide secure environments for themselves in America today. The job of protecting families and securing their lives differs now from what was required of past generations.  Many people remember their growing up years in rural communities where children played and worked at home on the farm. They made up their own entertainment and contributed to the welfare of their families. Close neighbors were few and far between and children’s playmates were limited to siblings and schoolmates when school was in session. 

Others remember growing up in towns and cities where folks did not even lock their doors at night and children played outside after dark. Both these environments have changed with the advancements in technology and the growth of urban populations in the last half of the twentieth century.
Today, it is prudent to guard against identity theft by installing a locking mailbox for you type of residential mail delivery whether it is door or wall delivery, curbside delivery or the delivery of mail to your business. All our mailboxes are approved by the Postal Service.
Jane Hercules